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Kingdom Leadership
As ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven, we have a leading role to play in today's society. We are no longer of this world but we live in it for a time.
Kingdom leadership training focuses on how to maximize our time on earth in order to work in partnership with God and produce fruit that will not only have eternal impact but will continue even after we are gone.
Learn how to multiply your inheritance by participating in Kingdom leadership training.
2022-06-03 to 2022-06-04 French session
Consult the calendar tab for the date of the next training
Symbol to look for in the legend: El
Duration : from Friday evening to Saturday evening
Cost: base price of $150, meals included; night at $200/room for 2 people - taxes extra
Reserve your place by paying your admission in advance.
For more details, write to us, specifying the activity in the subject tab.